My Maytag washer is on the way out. It's one of those Whirlpools with computerized controls that were branded out. It's about 5 years old, I've already replaced a shift actuator but it still has issues.
I've been talking to a repair guy who hasn't come out yet but he's of the opinion that anything he fixes now will just extend its life until the next component breaks. This seems to be the case with everyone I know who has a modern washer from PC Richard, etc. I searched here and found this thread:
It seems that Speed Queen is THE single good washer these days, with LG in a far second. Is that still the case? If I was to buy a new Speed Queen, specifically this one, could I really expect the 25 years of life they claim?
Submitted December 01, 2017 at 10:32AM by MohnJaddenPowers