I am currently planning on going back to school [26M] (married) to get a second degree and exploring my options for the greatest advantage to paying for school. I have roughly $500/mo of "disposable" income that I usually allot to savings.
My State currently offers a 529 that allows me to deduct up to $6000 of my contributions. I still have about $18,000 in my parents' 529 plan to which I have access. This will pay for roughly half of my tuition for the program, which means I need to come up with the other half.
So, currently I am considering opening my own Learning Quest 529 but am unsure of how aggressive my portfolio should be. I would have about a year for the money to grow as much as possible, but I do also want to protect from being too exposed to the market and risking losses since this is a short-term investment.
Am I going about this right? Are there better options I'm not considering? If I play my cards right I should be able to max out my $6000 deduction.
Submitted December 02, 2017 at 02:10PM by Mrjustkidding http://ift.tt/2iGtbvo