Hello PF,
Like the title states I am EASing in 6 months, June 23 to be exact, and I have no idea what to do with the money from my TSP. I will not be going into a gov't job and I plan to apply to the state patrol for Ohio and they do not offer a 401(k) or any other retirement plan like that.
I am very uninformed on most things with investing. I was thinking I would roll it into another Roth IRA with the simplicity of the TSP, but one that I can manage if I need too. What are some of the best IRA companies around and what should I look for when choosing one?
Also, if I get accepted into the academy and make it through all the way I should have around 10k saved up from my GI Bill BAH and basic pay, and suggestions on what to invest that into?
Edit: The overwhelming support of the TSP has made me realize I need to leave it there, put it in a lifecycle fund, and then open an IRA. Would anyone care to comment on which IRA company to choose? I've seen a lot of mention about Vanguard, but that is all.
Submitted December 20, 2017 at 11:36AM by tramey321 http://ift.tt/2B8U2Ei