I've been going through past performances of my 401K account and thought I'd show a graph of the dollars vs. years data (without numbers). This is over 29 years of data, starting at $0. The message is keep investing, be aggressive (I put most in stock funds), and don't get out when the market adjusts or crashes. Trust the fact that companies mange to increase revenues and profits over the long haul, which is the basis for the gains I've had. I'm pretty well convinced that if you put the max in a stock fund combo and leave it there for your 30+ year career that you will be very well off upon retirement, even if you spent every other dollar you have. My company allows for a 10% contribution and a 5% match.
Submitted December 20, 2017 at 09:01AM by thdave http://ift.tt/2oXP3Vl