Through trial and error I just discovered cheap ways to heat my apartment and wanted to share.
-Buy a heavy blanket/quilt/down comforter and hang it on the doorway between rooms. (I found a thick down comforter for $8 at the thrift store) Then heat the room you'll be in. It's amazing how much of a temperature difference there is between rooms if you do this.
-Change the spin direction of your ceiling fan to clockwise instead of counter-clockwise. It will push warm air down and cool air up. There should be a switch on the side of your fan somewhere.
-Move around. I'm not talking about jumping jacks or push ups. Just walk to the kitchen and put on the kettle for tea. Climb stairs to the second floor. It's amazing how much warmer you get when you move.
I live in New England where it gets really cold. Before I discovered that these things work, I bought a space heater and plastic for windows. Now i'm not sure I need them.
November 14, 2017 at 10:55PM