I'm going to be working in Florida for a few months starting in February, and I will need a car. It seems like making a road trip out of it (with myself and one other person - I would never do it alone) would cost around the same as paying a transport company to take it there, considering gas, food, and motel costs along the way. I'm also wondering if the road might be icy or snowy at that time of year. One important detail is that I have a lot of plane miles saved up that I could use to fly myself to FL for very cheap (maybe even free). But I also worry about trusting someone else with my car, and the possibility of having added fees in FL for a car that was shipped in. (Apparently certain fees don't apply if you drive it yourself? Like registering it in the state or something?) I will also have to get myself and my car back to California in the summer. Does anyone know which option might be cheaper, and could anyone advise me on other pros and cons of both options? Thanks!
November 24, 2017 at 12:15PM