TL;DR - Wedding in 3 weeks, honeymoon in Colorado, some snow involved, lots of walking/hiking, returning to eastern NC and want boots/shoes that can work for wedding and honeymoon, as well as back home for everyday, love the look of Red Wing Ice Cutters/L.L. Bean Katahdin boots/AE Higgins Mill&Normandy, shoes:AE Strand&McAllister/?
Getting married in less than a month, am a terrible procrastinator and have not purchased shoes or other gear for our honeymoon trip to Colorado or shoes for the wedding. I was going to get some cheap 40$ wing tips and call it a day, but then I got to thinking: Hm, I could also just get great all around shoes/boots that I already need that would not only look fly with my suit (which is black, acc's are eggplant/grey,) but then accompany me to the airport, go on the slopes in Vail, and walk around/hike around in Boulder, PLUS I could give them to my great-grandkids. Then I tried to actually find a pair that would do all/most of the above and not cost more than 500$ at the very very most, and were still in production/available used. Red Wing Ice Cutters seem pretty darn perfect for the skiing part and nice enough for the wedding, but not sure about their use after, when returning to eastern NC, for outdoors work and general walking/standing. Not to mention, they seem to be discontinued (Of course.) Love the AE Higgins Mill and Normandys, but questioning the soles. Just getting into this quality shoe stuff so quite a bit to learn.. Any advice much appreciated. Peace
Submitted October 06, 2017 at 12:36PM by polarbear95