This is a little bit rant, and a little bit making sure I'm protecting myself.
I have a 5ish month Emergency Fund and I'll be paid through November 30th, 4-weeks severance afterwards, and 3weeks of PTO paid out. So I have cash flow until mid January anyway.
I'm scared and angry right now, I'm in corporate finance at a global company HQ'd in Florida. I must be the only person laid off in such a strong economy, I'm so frustrated.
The story is that since I had the least tenure I got the axe. In my department we have Clients, when I joined 1.5yrs ago I got assigned the worst performing client, since then my team and I have brought it up to #1 or #2, lots of long hours and strenuous, thankless budgeting. Since other teammember's clients did such a bad job this year, we have had to shrink our locations by nearly 40% (close 9 out of 24 locations) - none of mine closed, just all of my other teammembers' crappy sites.
They get no retribution, but I get laid off because they couldn't keep their books on track.
I have a separation agreement that I'll have to sign when I leave for good, last day I report into work is Thursday Nov 2. They have an outplacement firm to help me find new work and my boss was very apologetic and pledged he would do what he can to help me find new work.
I feel so betrayed. I did such good work here and now I'm punished despite succeeding in a very unfavorable situation. Why didn't he just make this a contract job, 18months and I'm out the door already!? Wtf?
Anyway, thanks for the ears and any suggestions you have for me would be greatly appreciated. I'm a big fan of this community - you guys are why I've prepared my E-Fund so well, owe you a lot of thanks for all I have learned here.
Submitted October 25, 2017 at 09:03AM by Jpaps