After a drought of books that always seemed to either say the same old thing or to be based on pseudo-science self promotion, I found this book.
Investing : The Last Liberal Art Book by Robert G. Hagstrom
I recommend reading this book, especially the next to last chapter. Somewhere in my education, I over looked the statistical math of optimising investments with respect to risk. In just a few very readable pages, the story of finding the easis solution, and how to apply it to investments was laid out. I kick myself in that if I had used it several months ago, I would have made a stinking fortune.
There is much concern by some in this forum about a downturn or recession. This lays out how to deal and how to recover afterward.
It's 167 pages and also has extensive footnoted sources for further digging. I'm not an academic but further my further research in this will pay off. This book is golden.
Submitted October 26, 2017 at 10:16AM by FiDiy