I sometimes get a feel that this sub only cares about the longevity but no other aspects of a product. Sure one can argue that is by definition of BIfL, but I don't want to buy something that lasts my whole life but I hate it everytime I use it.
Let me give some examples. For washing machines, Speed Queens are loved here. I totally agree that this thing lasts. However, when I get a washing machine, there is much more I care about. I want to be able to trust it with my cashmeres and silks in it (SQ is a top loader with a agitator that is too harsh on these). I want to have control at the cycle temperature (SQ doesn't even have a heater, so you cannot go beyond you tap water temp). So to me, the choice is easily Miele, and SQ is not even a close chaser. I would even favor LG over SQ.
Or, for staplers, the sub's choice seems to be Swingline, which again I know is something that never breaks. However, I like Max staplers much better because: it requires half the force to operate, and it uses a flat clinch.
I think when talks about quality, there is more than simply longevity. I want something that does its thing better than any other competitors during its reasonable life span. Can we get a /r/BuyItForQuality or whatnot for these?
Submitted October 05, 2017 at 09:14AM by ccsasuke http://ift.tt/2xjtopv