I've been doing some work in the basement of our new/110 year old home, and I noticed during a particularly stormy day that there was a little bit of water ingress near the entryway. I examined outside and it doesn't look like there is any kind of drainage at the bottom of the stairs.I'm thinking of building a little roof/portico in order to try and divert water away (and make coming/going a little more pleasant for our eventual tenants) - are the plans I've drawn reasonable/safe/advisable?My plan is to bolt on side on to the deck framing, fasten a 2x6 to the house (with flashing to prevent more moisture) and support the other side with 4x4 off the concrete wall/garden retainer. I'd then run some gutters around the front/open side and tied in a downspout to our drain tile.Photos of plans/area on the house when I did some rough sketches earlierOpen to all criticism/better approaches. I realize that at some point I'll probably want to install a drain and tie it into the perimeter drain tile, but that's a big project and not one I'm at all confident DIYing. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2gxXseS