I expressed some serious dissatisfaction recently in a comment on an "anonymous" employee survey at my job. My boss talked to us in a staff meeting about the results of the survey and expressed a lot of concern over "some comments" (mine) and encouraged us to talk to her about any issues we have because she felt uncomfortable not addressing the issues head-on. Feeling like it wouldn't be fair to just leave it hanging like that, I scheduled a meeting with her.
In the meeting, we discussed my issues at length, which mostly have to do with the attitude of my immediate supervisor. But at the end she said to me pretty firmly, "I'm not trying to push you out, but I want you to take some time to think about whether or not you really want to be here. There are a lot of opportunities out there."
The truth is, I do want to leave, but I've been applying to jobs for 6 months and have only gotten one interview, and they didn't even bother to send me a rejection letter. Seriously, no one will hire me. I have some savings, but I've been trying to keep that so that I can invest it and actually have something for retirement. I'm making under $40k at this job as it is.
Is this a sign I should just up and quit my job without another one lined up? I'm so depressed. I guess I could move another city over and live with my parents again, but Jesus, I'm 28. And I just signed a new lease. Someone please tell me it gets better.
Submitted September 25, 2017 at 11:32AM by throwaway84746574277 http://ift.tt/2fLHJW3