Backstory: Graduated with an engineering degree and joined this company one and a half year ago. It's a 'young' company that is building up and have a total of 14 person including my boss. My job mainly covers project management, procurement and a little bit of designing. When I start I was getting 36k/year which is okay (engineering fresh grad from my country are making 32k~38k). For my job I report directly to my senior supervisor and my boss.
During the first year, I helped in improving the company's inventory system, project planning and do whatever I can help even if it's not within my job scope. And even covered the job of my supervisor sometimes. I got a 10% pay raise to 40k/year after a year and I felt contented. The company is growing and accepted more jobs, but my supervisor left the company this January and left me with even more job. I would say I did okay and managed to keep up.
I've gotten a 9% for this year's annual increment (to 43k/year) and felt undervalued by my boss. With the job scope that I covered and the work that I do, I think I should be getting paid more. So I read advices and stories from this sub, to get an idea of how to negotiate with my boss. I searched online about the median pay for this job in my country, and with the things that I do, I should be getting 45k~51k/year. So I worked out the courage to talk with my boss.
Basically I listed out my contributions to the company and helped in improving the company in several ways. The 9% pay raise doesn't reflect my contributions to the company. He acknowledged it and asked me how much am I expecting. Told him I'm looking for a 20% raise and he agreed without much hesitation!
In short, I've gotten a 20% pay raise from 40k/year to 48k/year effective this month! If you think you're worth a certain value, do your homework to back up your claim and just talk to your boss. I would've never gotten this if I didn't go and ask for it. And finally, thank you for all the advices and thanks for reading!
Submitted September 06, 2017 at 11:45AM by dimebag666