I need a recommendation for furniture to lift my pc's chassis off the floor by a couple of inches. The chassis is 9 inches wide and won't fit on the 8-inch wide shelf under my desk. (I'm just now getting a new workspace settled.)The reason I need to lift the chassis is because I put the pc next to the desk. Then yesterday I happened to be home when the housecleaner started mopping the floor vigoriously. I realized immediately that those little rubber feet under the chassis were not going to save the pc from a serious dowsing in mop water.But, I'm tight on space. The chassis needs to go up onto something that won't mind the mopping, is stable, and just a tad bigger than the chassis' footprint (9 inches wide, 22 inches long).Thanks for any ideas. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2yqxVsf