I love absolutely love edison table lamps and what have you. I really want to build a table lamp, nothing crazy just plain and straight forward and want it to be DIMMABLE. I found this on ebayhttp://www.ebay.com/itm/6A-AWG-Switch-Dimming-Cable-Light-Modulator-Lamp-Line-Dimmer-110V-220V-Black-New-/222347377346?hash=item33c4efbac2:g:ts4AAOSw241YU2P8my plan was to buy this....get the needed parts (i have no idea what they are) to have a socket for a edison bulb to put in. maybe was planning on putting the socket in wood, something like this :http://ift.tt/2wHWF0i tips? I am capable of soldering.. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2eMD0WA