I earned a DUII early this year, very early in my career. I currently work as a contract employee, which began before the arrest and can potentially last almost as long as the increased car insurance. Let's say there are opportunities for full time employment at the company at which I am stationed. If I am hired into such employment, there will be further background checks and they will find out that I was arrested this year. I am enrolled in the Diversion program which will remove (not expunge) the arrest from my record. My record will then at least show that I completed a program to resolve issues that might have led to my arrest. At this point today, before the program is over, there can be three outcomes to my pursuing employment:
I enjoy increased pay, benefits, and responsibilities. Everyone understands that my previous actions do not govern my professional behavior going forward.
I get fired for my offense. Judging by the atmosphere at my company, this is most likely and there will be others of similar experience to hire in my place. From area research, I will most likely have to accept a lower paying job until I work my way up with an accepting company that knows of my past and trusts me.
I don't pursue full time employment and remain a contractor until the Diversion program is complete. At that point i can feel free to pursue real employment over being a contractor. This option will allow me to earn the most money overall until the Diversion period is over and I can then approach management with an argument with more substance (look, the law says this is off my record because I did A, B, and C). Versus "I'm excited to join the team and work with you while doing A, B, and C to clear my record, unlike other applicants."
To me, option 3 seems like the safest, most logical plan. I'm curious if anyone has different ideas about my current situation. Thank you for your time.
Submitted August 03, 2017 at 06:07AM by krowser http://ift.tt/2u433Ls