Decided to try my hand at sign makingFinished project first:http://ift.tt/2v98wAk step was to get a little compact router. I've got a big one but it's on my router table and a pain to take off the tablehttps://i.imgur.com/eIKISNm.jpgStep 2 was to print off what my sign would say. Just used MS Word and Olde English Font. Then I used spray glue to attach it to my wood board to use as a templatehttps://i.imgur.com/YBr9Yj7.jpgStep 3 was just tracing the lines with my router. I used a 1/8" straight bithttps://i.imgur.com/9IP1ZTf.jpgStep 4 I finished routing, sanded the board and then filled in the inset with black spray painthttps://i.imgur.com/EyIoozg.jpg http://ift.tt/2uQ4aCI step was to sand the board to get all the over spray off. My sandpaper kept getting clogged with paint. I have a cabinet/card scraper on order. Thanks for looking and if you feel like it, you can check out my Etsy shop here:http://ift.tt/2v8xmjV via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2uYPk9g