I hope this is okay to post here (I know I could post this in personalfinance, but I prefer this subreddit). I'm basically agonizing over a decision I need to make and part of it is due to my frugal mindset. I have the money to fund these options out of pocket and won't need to take on debt. I don't have student loans or debt of any kind.
I've been accepted to do a master's in a field that may or may not land me with a job afterwards. It's in the UK and is a fraction of what I would pay for grad school in the states (around 17k). it would take one year. It's in Public Health and this may or may not lead to good career prospects after I graduate. Public health jobs are often funded by grants, so it's not uncommon for them to end and then you're stuck looking for something else.
My other option is to do leveling courses and aim to become a speech pathologist (this will cost significantly more time and money, but I would basically be guaranteed a job IF I get into graduate school for this competitive program). So this would require around $9,000 of leveling (post-bacc) courses and then I could apply to grad school (speech pathology grad school takes 2 years).
I love the UK and would love to live there for a little over a year, but with Brexit, I'm not sure if I would be able to get a job there when I graduate (I'm not counting on it). Also, I do some well paid freelance work right now and would not be allowed to continue this on a student visa in the UK and the wages there are usually not good for part time jobs (I would only be able to work around 20 hours a week as a student there due to their visa rules for students).
My frugal ways are getting in the way of me making a decision. I see pros and cons to both. Any advice/input?
August 28, 2017 at 09:44AM