Like the title says, were ready to get things together and i'm looking for some starting points/tips/suggestions.
Specifics: We keep out finances totally separate I pay for utilities/all kids stuff/ all groceries and give him 1-2 hundred a month towards the mortgage He pays his boat payment, CC minimum, Mortgage and buys his own beer and cigarettes We each make roughly 42K annually He owns the home we live in I have 2 children that live with us and support them solo I have past medical and car loan debts and i plan on filing for bankruptcy by years end to take control of my credit situation
Basically- we are broke all the time and its obvious to me why. We dont make that much and we spend a lot on fast food and alcohol. So- here we are!
Bf would rather stick his head in the sand and pretend like none of our finance problems exist so i want to make this a pleasurable elephant to address. Hes kind of a simple guy and i dont want this to overwhelm him or sour him on the idea. I can use the sidebar and posted links to help build our physical budget but i am looking for tips on how to make this more palatable for him as well as successful. Particularly because we dont share a bank account (and dont really want too) i am curious what systems we could potentially use to stay on track. My parents have suggested an envelope based system to maintain "allowances" for different categories. Does anyone have experience with this kind of situation?
Submitted August 07, 2017 at 07:28AM by donttrustthehankies