Hi all! I'm having some problems with saving money and I'm hoping all of you fine ladies and gentlemen could assist me.
I get paid around 250-300 on a weekly from a full time summer job right now. Part time during the school year is usually around 150 a week (I get my pay weekly)
I have bills I pay when I'm not in school (I'm going into grade 13 for buisness and programming courses before college). I pay 100 a week for rent and about 40 a month for my phone bill. I also pay 10 bucks a month on Spotify because I love my music.
My issue is you'd think after I pay my bills I'd have alot of savings made up? No. I have a problem with spending. I keep wanting to go out and be with freinds and what starts as a drink from the corner store quickly turns to buying whole meals.
I also keep finding I spend alot of money on things that are silly like magic the gathering and hearthstone. I love my hobbies but I can tell they are pricy. I managed to tell myself that I will limit my hobbys which had helped alot. I also have started buying snacks from Walmart all at once instead of through out the week at random points. (A way of supplying myself I suppose.)
But I still go over the edge. I keep convincing myself that "one more X" Is going to be it. I want to save up for a gaming pc I'm building. Not the world's most expensive goal since I'm not looking for a god tier rig. Just a small one so I can't help resist the urge of going out and buying stuff all the time. Then I want to save for college (i want to avoid OSAP as much as possible)
This is silly question really. It feels almost childish but I keep running into this problem. How do I fight the urge of spending money every week? I considered looking at a "you get 1" type system where I ban myself to doing/getting only 1 thing a week and any other times I want to do/get something to leave my bank card at home. Any advice or people with similar stories are welcome.
Submitted August 02, 2017 at 05:06PM by NoahsArk705 http://ift.tt/2f9mDU3