In my Roth IRA, I have: VTSAX and VGHAX
In my 401k, I have: VFINX and VGHCX
In my 457, I have: FSIVX and JATNX
Question: Does diversify mean within each investment bucket, or simply overall?
I was thinking of changing the 401k to simply VTSAX because Vanguard is changing their fee stucture in the future (offering Admiral shares), which will now cost me $60 annually, rather than the fee being waived for the balance being above $50k in the account.
The Roth IRA would be changed to only VGHAX (ER= .32%). No additional fees.
The 457 is for the international exposure and global technology.
Submitted July 29, 2017 at 11:00AM by fat-stanley