My wife and I both work 40 - 60 hours a week. We both have degrees to help us get better paying jobs, but we have about 100k in student loan debt between the two of us.
We have a 30-year mortgage on a 2200 sqft house in the suburbs about an hour commute from our jobs. It is more house than we need, but it is actually sized on the low end of most new single family housing. It has plenty of room to hold all of our stuff while we are at work or on the road half the day. We each have a new car so we can enjoy our daily commute to and from work--we deserve it.
We are usually pretty exhausted when we get home and don't feel like cooking or spending time on the weekend grocery shopping. So, we order take out or have something delivered several nights each week and eat it while we watch TV or surf social media on the couch. The news is kind of scary these days. Thankfully, the government is spending billions of our tax dollars each year on national defense to protect us from the bad guys and make us feel safe. We find it odd that our friends don't seem to be concerned though. Their lives seem so much better than ours when we look at their Facebook pages. They have more online friends and less problems than we do. It just doesn't seem fair.
We've both put on a little weight over the years. My blood pressure and cholesterol are a little high and my wife has some anxiety issues. On the upside, our doctor prescribed us some medication to help with that. I'm glad we have a universal healthcare system in the USA, like most developed nations. Oh wait, we have a for-profit healthcare system only available to some. At least that for-profit healthcare system is highly efficient and responsible for the greatest medical care that money can buy--if you have it. What, most medical innovation originates from research done at universities funded by government grants? Tomfoolery! We should just be grateful.
Kind of off topic, but did you see that video of Kim Kardashian shooting champagne into a glass propped on her voluptuous ass? Now that is talent! And, what about that Kayne West music video? Man he knows how to attract and to treat the ladies. I hope role models like these are still around if we have children some day. On second thought, maybe kids aren't a good idea. I mean almost half of marriages end in divorce due to finances or infidelity (often in the workplace).
Shit, now I feel depressed. Think I'll go smoke a bowl before I go to bed to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.
You may have guessed by now that this isn't my real life, but I'd wager many of us know someone who is "living" like this. I mean it sounds crazy when you write it down. How can we not see it?
Submitted July 08, 2017 at 03:52PM by Chuckles034