I invest through Betterment which is a robo investor that allocate my money automatically into various vamgaurd funds. I currently have about 10k invested about 90% in stocks and 10% in bonds. It has been performing very well over the past almost year that I've had the account. I have another 10k I'd like to put into the account but I am not sure if I want to change the allocation or not. I plan to use the money within the next 10 years to buy a house so should I be less aggressive? I was thinking It might be smart to switch to 50/50 so I don't have to worry as much about market fluctuations. I'm 24 right now so if I so end up losing its not a huge deal.
Submitted July 19, 2017 at 04:22AM by iWintermutes http://ift.tt/2vBk546