By chance today my husband and I spotted one in the neighborhood we're in.((We have a house here but we're remodelling it before we move in, diy style all the way))
So I found a fine China dinner set, over 80 pieces easily ((still need to do an exact count, but there's casserole style dishes and everything with it)).
I paid $94.00 for the entire set. I love fancy dinners and decorating but large detailed plate sets like this can run over 500 easily.
Always always always make a pit stop for garage and estate sales, you never know what you'll find!
This was all we bought but they had gorgeous detailed golden((assuming metal)) bed frames, entire furniture sets, and anything I could think of. I'm so excited with my find I just had to share. Stay frugal my friends!
July 22, 2017 at 04:56PM