Hello /r/investing !
I have recently followed the recommendations of the sidebar and opened a Roth IRA with Vanguard. From my reading here and other places online, I think I would like to invest in several index funds, some large- and small-cap, maybe some tracking international companies. However, I'm unsure what percent of each of these should compose my Roth IRA. E.g., 45% large-cap, 25% mid-cap, 10% international, etc. I could be missing something painfully obvious, I'm fairly new to this all but have been trying to read as much as possible to educate myself.
If anyone could either explain to me what their view of what the breakdown should be or point me towards resources to educate myself that would be super helpful!
Thank you and cheers, Gnosh
Submitted July 10, 2017 at 01:14PM by GnoshGnomeArtificer http://ift.tt/2u5rPgW