My father had to buy a pair for when he worked at a textile factory over 25 years ago. Still have them and they still cut excellently, although they're pretty dirty just because when he stopped working there - they were truly relegated to ALL use and he never bothered to keep them clean.
They're a pair of Gingher 8" knife edge scissors. I recently bought a pair for myself, and from everything I've seen & experienced, they're just like my father's in terms of quality. Actually, they've pretty much kept to the exact same design and build. They're affordable too if you need just the one pair for life! While his could do with a cleaning, and possibly a bit of sharpening, they're certainly built to last and come with a limited lifetime warranty. For the old pair, I can count on one hand the number of times they needed to be disassembled or tightened over the past 25 years. I also appreciate their clean and simple appearance, and they emit a very satisfying snip snip as an added bonus. :P
They couple with a screw and nut, so that one can separate and clean/sharpen them. Do this when you need to clean them... They're very sharp, absolutely do no allow kids to use them unsupervised. Tapes will gunk them a bit, so be sure to wipe towards the edge. You won't need to disassemble them if you maintain them well enough, and wipe off whatever mess you're cutting into every now and then
Decided to suggest as someone else posted a request for scissors and I had made a comment there (thread was old).
Even if you don't work with fabrics, these make for a great pair of general purpose scissors. Hope to share more in the future. Once made a post elsewhere on reddit in the spirit of BIFL, but never realized there was a subreddit for that exact purpose. Thanks for reading!
Submitted July 13, 2017 at 05:08PM by Redoubt9000