Hello PersonalFinance!
I am a single mother of one child and I work full-time at $40,000 annually. I don't receive child support or any other form of income. I was informed today that by the end of the month I will have $65,000 deposited into my bank account coming from an inheritance from a trust.
I have been on the verge of homelessness since my son was born and we have moved 7 times. All renting situations. I wish to buy a home for my son and I.
I am very overwhelmed by this. I do not come from money and this A LOT of money for me. I do not know much about finances, investing or mortgages...
Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated!!
I am in Idaho--which is a forgotten state in the U.S. :)
Submitted July 02, 2017 at 10:21PM by Sawyereatsbugs http://ift.tt/2uAharD