I've been noticing more and more quotes and discussions about a coming economic crisis to rival that of 2008 (or even bigger). The latest video that started me going down this road again was this one by Peter Schiff: Why the Air Is About to Come Out of America's Bubble Economy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03Ke9rIYGsc
Since he was one of the people to warn before the last economic collapse and nobody listened to him then (making him a sort of a Cassandra from mythology, as Richard Clarke would call it), I am inclined to maybe make some steps towards financial security during such a downward spiral.
If Schiff is right, then this one will be much worse than the last one, and with more and more jobs being lost to automation, this one might be quite a ride.
Any advice, thoughts how to prepare for something like that? What types of valuables are more recession-proof? Gold? Land?
I'm not claiming anything is about to happen so I would like this not to be a discussion of whether this collapse might or might not happen. Let's just assume it's a possibility. How to prepare for that outcome?
Submitted June 25, 2017 at 03:08AM by blank_oo http://ift.tt/2t8HQTa