Hey everyone, first time posting to /r/frugal! I'm a college student, I am going to be living in my own apartment soon, and I currently live with my sister.
I buy my own groceries and was seeking advice on how to save money when at the store. I buy the normal stuff: fruits, veggies, meats, some granola bars, and nuts to snack on. Quite literally, that's all I buy. I don't buy soda, or other drinks, no cereals, no cookies/chips/goldfish. I am gluten free so I buy bread each week, which is expensive, but I am willing to buy it because I like to have bread. I stay away from specialty gluten free items since they are not necessary (cookies, snacks, pizzas, prepared foods, etc.).
Every time I go to the store, even just to buy a meal for that night, which will be lunch the next day (so 2 meals), I spend ~$30+, which I don't think is practical. The other day I spend about $15 on ~1b of ground beef, and ~1lb of chicken (of course this could be normal, but it seems expensive to me). I shop at Big Y (the closest grocery store to me), which is why (I believe) I am spending so much money on food.
When I visit my BF, we go shopping for dinner for the two of us, have leftovers for the next day, and it usually doesn't even cost us over $12! To be fair, he lives in another state, and this store is apparently notorious for having low prices (there are none in my area).
Does anyone know how I can shop more "frugal"? Should I research some different stores nearby to shop at (there is a Stop&Shop on the other side of town, not sure how prices are comparatively)
June 29, 2017 at 11:03AM