I am moving this fall from my large one bedroom into, most likely, a smaller one bedroom and for the past few months, I have been trying to purge/declutter as much as possible so I have less to actually pack, move, unpack and keep in the new place.
It feels like I have donated/given away/thrown out a lot, but it doesn't look like I made even a dent.
I have:
Given away about 30 out of my 100 books that I never plan to read or re-read.
Given away about 10 out of 20 shorts and pants and likely the same ratio of shirts.
Thrown out a decent amount of papers that I didn't need and scanned others that I need but don't need the originals.
I also haven't really purchased anything I don't need.
As I mentioned before, it feels like I got rid of a lot of stuff, but in reality it was likely only a moving box or two of items.
Some caveats:
I have to have two wardrobes: suits for work, and casual for nights and weekends.
I know that I could really make a dent by getting rid of many of the other books, but I love having them as decorations and they only take up two small bookcases.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Submitted June 21, 2017 at 10:24AM by sheesh2323 http://ift.tt/2rCwTWf