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I love this subreddit and found several helpful ideas searching, but still was left with some questions. Some of this might be better answered by r/relationships; I get that. Here goes.

I work, full-time, and my wife is currently a stay-at-home wife working on some volunteer stuff and figuring out what her next step is. She's never made a lot and since we've been married, I've been the primary breadwinner. My income is well above median household income in our area, so I feel that we are fortunate that she can stay home.

I've been using YNAB religiously for the past year and trying to steer us towards a better budget lifestyle. However, she hates YNAB—or any kind of electronic budgeting solution—and really has been resistant to my attempts to put in place a budget. Conversations about money quickly devolve into fights and she hates talking about it. However, she loves spending it, and $25 here or $50 there quickly adds up to several hundred dollars a month that was not planned for and is not going into our savings or moving us towards our goals.

I feel like I am continually playing catch-up, stealing money that was allocated to savings to cover the things she decided to go buy.

We can't separate accounts since she doesn't have any income, and its wearing me out to see the money I'm working hard to earn not move us farther forward towards the goals we've mutually set. It's also really irritating to see her buy all this stuff for the house or herself that she "wants/needs" and not be able to buy myself the things I'd like because I'm having to make up for her expenditures.

TL;DR: Stay-at-home wife hates YNAB or looking at budget categories & numbers; can't stop spending.

Any advice?

Submitted June 16, 2017 at 02:29PM by Rice1319 http://ift.tt/2rEuOZ6

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