Last month I signed up to take a class over the summer. I was placed on the waitlist at one community college. Time passed and I forgot about being waitlisted at that school (I successfully enrolled at a different school in a different district).
I discovered I got off the waitlist and was enrolled in the class. The last day to drop the class was June 15th without getting a "W" (withdrawal). The school is not letting me drop the class without paying them the cost of the course. I believe that if I do not take any action, I will get a F at the very least. I'm don't think this is significant to me as I would just avoid taking future classes with this district. I am concerned that this money I owe won't go away on it's own though.
I have a couple of questions. One is that the school's registration website says that "payments must be made at the time of registration." I haven't made a single payment to this school, ever. I understand not being forced to pay when I was waitlisted, but I don't understand why I wasn't swiftly dropped from the class once I got taken off the waitlist (about 2 weeks prior to the start of the class). I'd like some advice on how to contact the school's admission board about this.
Another question I have is that is if I do submit and pay up, could I do so with a prepaid card I could purchase in a store? It looks like they take VISA and MasterCards.
Submitted June 20, 2017 at 08:04PM by runhigher