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Limited sizes. Below are just a few things I saw. Probably more good deals to be had.
Tricker's loafers - $228 (from from $580)
Naked and Famous Jeans - $36 (down from $150)
Todd Snyder + Champion Tee - $14.99 (down from $70) (note, the promo code doesn't apply to this)
Various Vineyard Vines shirts for about 72% off (I don't know pricing on this brand, I just know some people are into it)
Some links below: & Famous;;REIGNING CHAMP;;Todd Snyder Champion;;Tricker's;;Wings and Horns%26ppp%3D%26spp%3D41%26sp%3D1%26rid%3D121|BOOST SAVED SET|BOOST ATTRIBUTE%26spc%3D51%26rsid%3Dundefined%26pn%3D1|47|41|51 famous %26pn%3D1|1|3|16
Submitted June 05, 2017 at 11:02PM by JB_JD