Edit: $35,000 in debt
Hello there, I apologize if this is not the correct subbreddit. This is an extremely tough situation and I am going to explain this as best I can. Firstly, I appreciate it so much for taking the time to read this and giving me your advice on this matter.
When I turned the age of 18, I wanted to desperately go to a University I was accepted into for my music career. My parents have never really been supportive of me or pushed me to be who I wanted to be. They always wanted to me stay home and work or join the military. When I decided to go to University, my parents practically disowned me and were extremely disappointed of me. I didn't have any of their support. I had to pay for my own books that I couldn't afford because I had no money. So I had to apply for a credit card, which I couldn't pay off at the time. I applied for jobs but didn't have enough experience and they were at least 40 min away from my school. At the beginning of my semester, my parents promised they would help me out to apply for student loans which they took back their promise midway through the semester. By the middle of the semester, the school basically said if I don't pay my student bill of $7,000 or so ( I can't remember exactly) or apply for student loans I would be kicked out. My parents needed to give the school their tax information in order to apply for student loans. They never gave their information to the school just like they said they would and I had to leave college. I tried desperate attempts to get some financial assistance or any advice and no one would really help me and even said I need to resolve my situation with my parents. And I was also told there was no way to really get student loans unless I had a kid, got married, or turn the age of 24 because I am technically declared " dependent" till the age of 24. I couldn't emancipate myself because my parents wouldn't allow it or show up to court even if I did. So for the last 5 years, I have been fending off credit collectors harassing me nonstop. I was making payments for a while but interest on my bill kept going up. They kept increasing my bill too because I needed to pay it as soon as possible. My life is turning into a disaster from this all this!
Now that I recently just turned 24 years old. I now have a $35,000+ college bill from only that one semester of school. I am extremely desperate to solve this. I really don't even know where to start or how I should approach this. Friends have recommended I file for bankruptcy or now apply for student loans. I'm not really sure who I should talk to and that's why I am seeking any help from you readers out there and hoping to find some clarity in this.
Thank you so much for your time and advice.
TLDR. I live in the state of Colorado. My parents chose to disown me from their life for wanting to go to college and now I have a 35,000+ college bill I can't get into a loan or pay.
Submitted June 07, 2017 at 07:06AM by throwaway830849 http://ift.tt/2rLrvB7