So I saw the post by the high schooler and most of not all responses said that he should just spend the money on education and fun. I'm in a similar predicament and I want to invest and take advantage of the time I have.
I'm 19 and I just finished my first year of engineering in Canada and currently working in a full time co op position making $18 an hour. I have around $5000 sitting in my back account and should make around $10k this summer.
I'm extremely fortunate in that my parents support me very well financially - splitting rent, living and education costs.
Basically I have a few thousand I want to throw into something that I can let sit and maybe throw money in over time. I've considered stocks, but I feel I don't have thaaat much to invest for stocks. My dad is also really big into real estate but obviously I don't have enough for that.
I also may just be under educated with this stuff so any reading material about small or low capital investments is also appreciated. Thanks!
Submitted May 07, 2017 at 12:34PM by democritus_is_op