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So I have recently moved out on my own, and I'm finding that I'm spending more on food than I would like to. Realistically what do those of you who live by yourself spend on groceries per month? Somehow I've managed to spend $190 on food this month, and that seems like WAY TOO much for one person? I don't buy sweets or much meat, but I do buy a lot of fruit and veggies, fish, chicken. My breakfast is usually a banana and 2 boiled eggs. Lunch is usually a salad with chicken/nuts/fruit and dinner is usually some cottage cheese and fruit OR a smoothie made from milk and frozen fruit. I snack on nuts or rice crackers between meals. I usually shop at Edwards, Walmart, and Kroger. Where am I going wrong? / Any suggestions welcome! I really would like to stick to clean eating, it's just so hard with it costing this much. :( Also if you guys know of good budgeting apps?

May 31, 2017 at 09:16AM

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