I'm looking for a "week in review" (or day in review) podcast that goes around the world and across asset classes and provides market and economic updates, highlights trends, and points out notable swings.
I left the ibanking world about 6 months ago for a job in technology. As a result, I'm no longer spoiled with the daily calls and email briefings that I used to rely on. Even though my job is far less market-oriented now, I'd still like to keep tabs on what's going on. I'm really looking for a more "macro" update - I'm not really interested in hearing people pitch individual stocks.
I've tried a few of the Economist podcasts, Bloomberg podcasts (specifically Bloomberg Surveillance), and Motley Fool... but it could be a month before I get an update on XYZ currency or indicator because those podcasts are a little more free-form and tend to get real "micro"-focused for large chunks of time. I'd like something a little more regimented.
I think my best bet is to just read but I figured I'd ask if there is anything else out there.
Submitted May 14, 2017 at 11:29AM by F557148 http://ift.tt/2qg95JL