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Friends of PF,

I just became worthless. I graduated from college in May 2016 with a BA in math. I got a job right away making 42k a year. I had about 15k saved up at that point. Over the course of the last year, I have totally payed off my student debt of 47k. You can do it, too!

To help me reach this goal I simply followed a budget and throw all of my additional money to the loans. Its probably not the smartest way to handle debt, but each payment was a minor victory for me and gave me more motivation to save.

I take home about 2800 per month and have a strict budget of 1100 per month (which included my monthly loan payment of 300). I spend 400 a month on rent and another 400 on fuel and insurance for my car and entertainment expenses.

I am 22 years old and have successful become worthless. I wish you all the best and hope that you can soon feel as elated as I do now.

Good luck and keep on keepin on!

Submitted May 31, 2017 at 09:35AM by TheGoldenRuler http://ift.tt/2se9nj9

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