My husband has very very particular tastes when it comes to his underwear. He has a handful of pairs so worn through they drape beautifully and are nearly see-through because whenever he buys new ones, there are so many nitpicks about them he never breaks them in. I took a few photos of one of his favorite pairs and I'm hoping you all can help me find something similar that will eliminate most of his nitpicks and last for a while - I'm pretty sure he's had these boxers longer than we've been together, so over a decade.
Brand: Jockey
Fabric: Cotton?
Style: Classic boxers, hidden elastic, diaper cut
Size: L or XL, he always says L but he has gained weight recently so I'd rather buy some to fit him now as well as his "normal" size. He's also an XLT guy so I am.not sure if boxers come in "tall" sizes or not.
Submitted May 21, 2017 at 11:56AM by notpandora