I see myself moving around a lot in the future. I'm originally from Pennsylvania, but my girlfriend and I moved to Utah for her PhD. We're in a 4th floor apartment now, but we now have a 7 month old Labrador Retriever, so we're starting to look at small houses with yards. After she's done with her PhD, we may move to yet another state for her post-doc work. Then it could be off to wherever else she gets a research job. Since I work in IT, my work is a bit more flexible since there are IT jobs everywhere.
Anyways, since I foresee us potentially moving around a lot, I want to make sure that the moving process is as simple as possible each time, and one of the biggest parts is the packing process. If I can minimize the things I have, that's less packing, less space, and less unpacking I have to do.
Harry Potter
I know this one may sound odd, but hear me out. If you're a fan or know the least bit about it, look at the Weasleys. They aren't the most affluent but they are arguably the happiest family in the series. They have everything they need...a roof over their head, food on the table, and family. Also, when Harry goes off the school, all he has is his clothes, school supplies, Hedwig (his pet owl), his broom, and his wand. No video games, no phone, no computer, no car. Just a bird cage and a traveling trunk. Lastly, much of the wizarding world seems to be stuck in the early 1900s. Stone and wood architecture, candles are used just as much as electric lamps, and they don't use any sort of modern technology. Again, no phones, no computers, no cars.
Some people may see all this as inconvenient. I see it as simple. If I were living in the wizarding world and could do magic, I'd be perfectly content without having today's technology. Who needs phones when there are mutiple magical means of communication? Who needs to be entertained by video games when you can fly on a broom at 150mph or apparate (teleport) somewhere to explore or just mess around with magic? Who needs a car when, again, you can fly on a broom or just, you know, apparate wherever you need to go.
Obviously I can't do magic, but since Harry Potter is my #1 fandom, I like to make my life like it as much as possible. Instead of turning on a bunch of lights, I light a couple candles. Sometimes instead of playing video games, I take the dog to the park and explore with her. Instead of that fancy glass and metal table, I prefer a wooden one.
Submitted April 09, 2017 at 06:36PM by The3Broomsticks