I have, what to me seems like a quandary. I am a housing inspector for a gov. agency and spend most of my day driving from zip code to zip code. My car is essentially my office. I own a 2008 Honda Accord sedan. 142,000. Lots of life in the car. I recently spent an afternoon changing all the brakes, rotors and struts.
Should go another 100,000 easy. I take care of it. I owe $3,900 and change on it and am nearing the end of a long battle with a credit card. I owed $11,000 on it a few years ago and now it's down to $500. I can smell victory.
I'm debating a newish Honda Civic with many extra safety features. A lot of the brake and lane assist type stuff that my car doesn't have.
It would get better gas mileage. I currently get $.48 cents a mile reimbursement to use my personal car for work.
It seems appealing from a few standpoints, mostly additional safety features since I'm on the road so much.
All that and then I'm back in the hole considerably with a car payment though. Currently $220/month. More when I finish my CC bill.
Is it worth it? Do I drive my Honda clear into the ground and sell for basically nothing later on or get rid of it when there's still some value in it? Is there a "sweet spot" for a time to sell a car and get a newer model? Am I thinking about this all wrong?
Reddit geniuses unite! :) thanks for any help in thinking about it.
April 17, 2017 at 11:28AM