I'm fairly certain that there is no chance that we, my partner and I, barring a miracle, will ever be able to own a home. But... I just need others to tell me that they agree, so that I can stop dreaming, stop hanging on to hope. What's your intuitive assessment?
No savings. No rich relatives. No property or valuables.
Credit card debt:$14,000
Federal student loan debt (combined): ~$250,000
Net income of 2 full-time positions with 3 undergrad and 2 graduate degrees: ~$45,000
Median home cost in my area: $264,600
Please, just cut my dream's throat --- you'd be doing me a kindness.
Thank you!
Submitted April 30, 2017 at 07:40AM by spesmorte http://ift.tt/2pLcJfl