I realize this is a stupid question, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to exercise an option early on Scottrade.
I am trying to learn about options and make sure I know how to exercise everything correctly on Scottrade before I go bigger, so for a test a few weeks ago, I bought SNAP APR 21 2017 23.50 P. I bought a hundred shares of SNAP on Friday, and I would like to exercise the put and sell them for $23.50...but I cannot figure out how to exercise them on Scottrade, and the Scottrade website is not much help.
If I am doing something horribly wrong, I can turn around and dump the shares today and wait for the option to expire.
Thank you for your help.
Submitted April 10, 2017 at 11:12AM by Boukephalos http://ift.tt/2oRvtcL