I just arrived home from work and I find myself in need for some advice on how to handle a situation. Sorry if this isn't the right place for this, but it felt like the right place to me.
Anyway, at the end of my shift tonight, I was pulled in the back by the two managers on duty. I was informed that I was being temporarily suspended, and I was subject to a pending investigation. Just as a little bit of background, I started this job only a few months ago, in December. I currently work as a Front Desk Agent and a considerably big casino.
When they sat me down to speak with me, they informed me that I had checked in a guest and issued both a room and room keys to a guest that had a card that declined. The managers then informed me that I will be under investigation, that Human Resources will call me within the next 48 hours to set-up a meeting and I will share my side of the story.
I would sincerely appreciate some advice on how to handle the situation. The suspension is cited to be because of loss of revenue on my behalf. One of the managers that brought me to the back walked me from the property and collected my employee and name badge. I have began to really enjoy this job, and would hope to receive some advice on what I should do when I report to the meeting to discuss the suspension.
A few questions of advice: 1) During the meeting, what should I say? My intentions were not to hurt revenue and the person I checked in bailed, and this ended up on me. 2) Would it help to review the footage of the check-in in question? The check-in happened in early March, which was a considerably busy month for us. Would having everyone sit down and point out that the day was a busy one for us and show that it was an honest mistake help me in any way? 3) The manager that walked me out advised me to write down any questions I may have and have them readily available at the meeting. What would be some good questions I could bring to the table?
On the other hand of things, if things don't turn out well, should I start looking for another job? I have things on the line financially. I only have a small amount of savings, approx $1600. I have car insurance of $200 a month, and a car payment of approx. $230 a month. Would putting in applications be a wise thing to do?
Thank you for the time. I certainly do appreciate any advice I receive.
Submitted April 24, 2017 at 03:42AM by TheVeryBrokenPiano http://ift.tt/2q5SSUd