Our 22 year old gas dryer is officially broken. After a couple of repair attempts (luckily free), we are looking at replacing both appliances (the washer still functions, though not well). I have a few questions to make this a frugal experience: a.. Are the extended warranty options worth the price? I am seeing in the $100+ range for most of these.
b. I am perusing Lowes, Home Depot, and Best Buy. Any other retailers we should consider? Any tips on purchasing/negotiating? So far all three have almost the same price for everything we are looking at...
c. I am hoping that we can lower energy usage as well as water usage (my water bill is very high, and this is a major use). Energy cost is shown readily while water usage is not... Does anyone have anecdotal evidence on water usage of some new, major-branded washers? (Looking at Whirlpool mostly)
April 05, 2017 at 09:38PM