After scrounging around Craigslist and used furniture stores, it became clear that most used Aerons that are listed for sale are quite old. 15+ years old if they even have a sticker at all was my experience. Cheapest I could find was $300. is an authorized retailer of Herman Miller and they initiated a chat while I was browsing. In order to clear old inventory for the new Aeron model, they are clearancing the Classics. 25% off most configurations, free shipping, no sales tax except IL, and a 30 day return policy with no restock or return shipping costs. A basic model with fixed arms was only ~$565 brand new with the 12 yr warranty. Unless you can find a newer used model or can get one for like $200, there is no benefit to going used on these.
Submitted April 24, 2017 at 05:25PM by OllieAlyOxenFree