My washing machine broke a while ago and I've been sending my laundry to my parents house until I can afford a new one. Unfortunately, my parents buy the absolute cheapest laundry detergent they can find, and I've noticed that my laundry always comes back with stuff still caked to it. I don't want to be rude by telling them they're terrible at washing clothes, so I was thinking of buying them a big container of higher-quality detergent as my contribution to the laundry-doing.
Usually I just buy store brands, but my parents think the stores I shop at (uh, Target, Wegmans...) are too expensive. So does anyone have any recommendations for the best quality inexpensive laundry detergent? I'm hoping that after giving them a big container, they'll like it enough that they'll keep buying it.
April 13, 2017 at 01:59PM