Hi guys, I need a better laptop bag, as of now I'm using a cheap HP QB681AA and as I have a quite expensive (costed me 1000 bucks) ASUS ROG 15.6" laptop I use for everything from gaming to graphics to software development to music production, I really need to protect it really well. Despite being powerful it's plastic made so it's quite frail and needs a bag which is not too tight on it.
I was considering the SwissGear Synergy, I really like the fact that it's a backpack and with an ergonomic design since I have back problems and messenger bags aren't really for me, I would like to have some info:
-Is the Synergy waterproof?
-Is it really good on an ergonomic perspective?
-Will it fit a not-so-thin 15.6" laptop? Mine isn't thick as hell, but is not a Macbook Air either. There's the SwissGear Pegasus instead which is made for 17" laptops but could that one be too big and ruin the laptop while carrying it around because it's not held still? I don't know what's worse between that and holding it too tight...
-Is it really a durable product as people says?
And in case, do you have some better alternatives? I have no problems in spending up to 100 € or more since it's something I want to use for life, as the title of this sub suggests.
[edit] I also found out the SwissGear Cobalt which seems to be for 15.6" laptops specifically, but it it as good?
Thanks in advance guys!
Submitted March 05, 2017 at 10:22AM by ScrivaniaMicrosoft http://ift.tt/2mTn9oj