Wanted to share that I've just done my first 'frugal' shop.
I have forever spent heaps of cash on luxury food and drink items on an almost daily basis and have nothing to show for it except being broke at the end of the month. I've just had my 30th bday and wanted to do something big this year to get myself comfortably in the black.
My main areas of spending were meals at work, meals out in the evening and booze. I want to cut all of this out for as long as possible and started today.
For work food I purchased rice and soy sauce for breakfast. £2.80 for 5 days of rice and £0.59 for the soy which should last. Ramen noodles for lunch £2.25 for 5 x packets. £5.64 for all work meals. Considering I can spend upwards of £5 per day I'm hoping this works out.
For dinners I have acquired a huge 3kg bag of pasta and some sauces - along with potatoes, vegetables and eggs and some squash as I'm not a huge water fan. Total cost around £10.00.
The biggest change is no beers and no chocolates or coffee. Hoping I won't crave this stuff too much and think of how good it will feel in a few months to not have overdraft fees and have to sponge cash at the end of the month.
Has anyone got any good recipe tips for cheap? Also any good toothbrush/deodorant/face wash brands that are cheap but still good to use. Any help very much appreciated.
Best part about the shop is I actually felt good spending under £20 and having enough food for the week :)
March 28, 2017 at 02:37PM