See pics: http://ift.tt/2mtGzSA we are tiling our small bathroom floor with charcoal gray 12x24 tile. We read to find the center of the room, adjust if needed, and tile out from there. We are doing a brick layout where every other line is half way through the other tile line.We will be doing a marble threshold within the doorway. From what our research says is most thresholds are halfway in the door jamb into the room. For our bathroom the wood floor comes almost all the way through. Would it be a bad idea to just fix the marble threshold to the wooden floor where it goes in too far? Rather than in setting the marble threshold and having weird cuts in the charcoal floor tile (would be very noticeable since the charcoal Grey floor is so dark in contrast to the white marble threshold).For the width layout: When I found the center of the room and laid out my tiles to the right and left of the line I ended up with a 5 inch cut skinny tile in front of the tub and about 6 inch cut along the wall that would be hidden by the vanity and toilet. So instead I placed full tiles along the tub, which I think will be the focal point, and then went to the wall and will end up with a tile with a few inches shaved off. The advantage to this as well is so when the tile wraps around the corner from the tub to where a linen closet will be we won't have a skinny little piece in front of that (probably like 2 inches), it will be a 9 inch sturdier piece. Good idea?Also an issue with this: our tub install isn't straight. It goes in at one corner just barely (along far wall). How do people adjust for this and make everything appear straight?As far as the length goes, I would like the tile arranged in the fashion I have in the photos (I think it makes the room look longer). We laid out tile so we have one full piece when you walk in the door and then there will be a big enough piece to do that wrap around corner notching. The issue is at the very far end, if you can see, against the wall beside the tub we are left with a small 3 inch or so piece of tile. If we adjust everything so that small piece gets bigger the tile that you walk in first at the door will get smaller as will the half pieces on either side of it. That is the only small piece that would be visible, as the vent would block the next one and the others will be hidden around the back of the toilet.Is this small sliver worth the sacrifice of having full tile along the front entryway which will be visible at all times whether you're entering the bathroom or not? Or should we shift everything towards the door and have smaller half pieces right inside the doorway and main walking path in bathroom?Thank you for your input! via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2maXDuh